Lebenslange Bildung

Lifetime education


Theological-catechetical program of lifetime education for educators in pre-schools



The program of theological-catechetical lifetime education for educators in pre-schools is to provide complete pre-school education, which will include nurturing and developing the religious dimension of the child train him, appropriate to his age, to discover, accept and to live the authentic values of the Gospels in relation to self, others and God in a special way.



Theological-catechetical program of lifetime education for educators in pre-schools is intended for people who have acquired qualifications in the field of early and pre-school education and / or perform tasks assistants in institutions for pre-school education (teachers, speech therapists, special education teachers, psychologists).

Entries will be carried out on the basis of the following documents:

  • Personal request (download application HERE)
  • CV
  • Birth certificate
  • Domovnica
  • Diploma
  • Pastor's recommendation
  • Recommendation of kindergarden director (if you're employed)
  • Two photos



You have to submit the application with the necessary documentation until 31st October, 2014


Address for delivery of documents

Catholic Faculty of Theology in Đakovo, P. Preradović street 17, 31400 Đakovo


The beginning of lectures

8th November, 2014


Schedule of classes

Saturday from 9am to 3pm





Program leader

Izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivica Pažin


Rule book



Contact for additional information

Antonija Pranjković, dipl. teol.
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Katholische theologische Universität in Đakovo

    • Petra Preradovića 17, p. p. 54
      HR - 31400 Đakovo
    • Port: (++385) 031/802-400
      Secreteriat: (++385) 031/802-402
      Fax: (++385) 031/802-403
    • tajnistvo [et] djkbf.hr

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