


  • In the vision of teaching through the next period, it's planned to introduce a constant innovations of new scientific knowledge in the modernization of existing through the development of new study programs, promote the concept of lifetime learning and continuous education through various forms of formal and informal learning, fostering creativity, deepening and maintaining cooperation with similar institutions of higher education abroad.
  • Our intention is to develop effective strategies and outcomes for the development and improvement of study programs, including space for greater interdisciplinarity and coverage of the program to modern theological and philosophical discussions, comply with internationally recognized standards in teaching and scientific research.
  • Catholic Theological Faculty as a strategic objective has a life-long formation of its students, offering them various forms of professional and scientific specialization, as well as the many and varied forms of training in professional theological and pastoral organization of seminars and specialist postgraduate courses and doctoral programs.To make permanent education been performed on more quality level as professional eminent speakers for certain scientific areas, we intend to launch a joint and / or joint programs of postgraduate doctoral studies, in collaboration with the Catholic Faculty of Theology, church schools and other higher education institutions humanistic orientation.
  • Long-term goals of educational vision will be monitored through ongoing verification of the results achieved and ongoing commitment to improving the quality of teaching and scientific research.They should implement openness to the public, ie. Transparency of the system of study and strengthening the awareness of the importance of the quality of studies, and promoting internal quality, which includes monitoring and reflection on the results achieved with the aim of continual improvement.It relates to the need for a clearer system for monitoring and continuous evaluation of planned and implemented competence curriculum program, outlined in more detail the scope of the expected knowledge, skills, independence and responsibility by trying to ensure its students.
  • In our Strategy Paper development, there is an institutional obligation to steady growth in the quality of studies, the general human and Christian formation of students, in which better functioning of all bodies and departments within the faculty and their networking at national level, better coordination of religious educational institutions with the highest bodynational level in a common intention to improve the qualifications framework, occupational standards and the creation of better employment policy.(Horizontal and vertical progression would allow the optimum use of all resources in the acquisition of the necessary competencies for the labor market needs of individuals and society in general.)
  • Our intention is to create more favorable conditions for student exchange with European and other universities under the Erasmus program +, inter-institutional agreements and bilateral agreements on the exchange of students and (in) the teaching staff with clearly defined parameters viable equivalence credits and comparison of related study programs fit into the Croatian Qualificationsframework and European Qualifications Framework.


Teachers in scientific teaching positions

Full-time professors in permanent selection:

Dr. sc. Ivica Raguž

ivica.raguz [et] os.t-com.hr

Google Scholar


Full-time professors:

Dr. sc. Ivica Čatić

caticivica1 [et] gmail.com

Google Scholar

Dr. sc. Vladimir Dugalić

vladimir.dugalic1 [et] os.t-com.hr

Google Scholar

Dr. sc. Stjepan Radić

stjepan.radic1 [et] os.t-com.hr

Google Scholar

Dr. sc. Šimo Šokčević

simo.sokcevic [et] djkbf.hr
simo.sokcevic1 [et] gmail.com

Mob: +385 92 37 55 004

Google Scholar

Dr. sc. Suzana Vuletić

suzanavuletic007 [et] gmail.com

Tel: (031) 353 122; (031) 321 528; Mob: 091 502 8613

Google Scholar


Associate professors:

Dr. sc. s. Silvana Fužinato

fuzinatosilvana [et] gmail.com

Google Scholar

Dr. sc. Antun Japundžić

antun.japundzic [et] gmail.com

Google Scholar

Dr. sc. Ivica Pažin

ivica.paz [et] gmail.com
ivica.pazin [et] djkbf.hr

Google Scholar

Dr. sc. Zvonko Pažin

zvonko.pazin [et] os.t-com.hr

Dr. sc. Stanislav Šota

stanislav.sota [et] os.t-com.hr

Google Scholar

Dr. sc. Davor Vuković

dav.vuk [et] gmail.com

Google Scholar

Dr. sc. Boris Vulić

vulic [et] me.com

Google Scholar


Assistant professors:

Dr. sc. Josip Bošnjaković

jobosnjakovic [et] gmail.com
josip.bosnjakovic [et] djkbf.hr

Tel: 031/253-948; Mob: 098/9611-751

Google Scholar

Dr. sc. Grgo Grbešić

grgo.grbesic [et] gmail.com

Google Scholar

Dr. sc. Zdenko Ilić

iliczde [et] gmail.com
zdenko.ilic [et] djkbf.hr

Google Scholar

Dr. sc. Drago Tukara

drago.tukara [et] gmail.com

Google Scholar


Teachers in teaching positions

Senior Lecturers:

Mr. sc. Ivan Andrić

ivan.andric25 [et] gmail.com



Teachers in the fellow title

Senior Assistants:

Dr. sc. Suzana Maslać

suzana.maslac [et] gmail.com

Google Scholar 



Dr. sc. Ivan Benaković

ivan.benakovicc [et] gmail.com

Dr. sc. Igor Jakobfi

ijakofi [et] gmail.com
igor.jakobfi [et] djkbf.hr

Google Scholar

Mr. sc. Drago Marković

drago.m1987 [et] gmail.com

Petra Plantosar, mag. paed. et mag. educ. hist. (rodiljni i roditeljski dopust)

pkolesaric97 [et] gmail.com

Dr. sc. Ivan Zubac

ivanzubac [et] gmail.com

Google Scholar



Professor emeritus

Prof. dr. sc. Pero Aračić

pero.aracic [et] djkbf.hr



Associates - part-time teachers

Izv. prof. dr. sc. Vesna Bjedov

vbjedov [et] ffos.hr
vesna.bjedov [et] djkbf.hr

Google Scholar

Prof. dr. sc. Silvija Ručević

mail [et]

Dr. sc. Eldina Lovaš, viša asistentica

mail [et]

Dr. sc. Teuta Rezo, naslovni predavač

katehetski.ured [et] djos.hr

Mr. sc. Stjepan Matezović, naslovni asistent

stipe.matezovic [et] gmail.com

Rolanda Lončarić-Takač, prof. kineziologije, External Lecturer

rolanda.takac [et] gmail.com
rolanda.loncaric [et] djkbf.hr



Retired professors

Doc. dr. sc. Miljenko Aničić

caritas [et] inecco.net

Mr. sc. Luka Marijanović

luka.marijanovic [et] os.t-com.hr

Dr. sc. Marin Srakić

Prof. dr. sc. Nikola Škalabrin

skalabrin [et] inet.hr

Prof. dr. sc. Karlo Višaticki

kvisaticki [et] gmail.com

Google Scholar

Doc. dr. sc. Ivan Zirdum


Katholische theologische Universität in Đakovo

    • Petra Preradovića 17, p. p. 54
      HR - 31400 Đakovo
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