

Doc. dr. sc. Antun Japundžić, educator in the dorm and the commissioner for formation of lay students

(++385) 031/810-050
antun.japundzic [et] gmail.com

Beside the faculty there is modern dorm with a capacity of 90 places.


Katholische theologische Universität in Đakovo

    • Petra Preradovića 17, p. p. 54
      HR - 31400 Đakovo
    • Port: (++385) 031/802-400
      Secreteriat: (++385) 031/802-402
      Fax: (++385) 031/802-403
    • tajnistvo [et] djkbf.hr

IBAN account:
Fakultät: HR4523900011100474440
Wohnheim: HR3123900011500027586