
Stipendije za boravak u Njemačkoj

Dienstag, 15 April 2014 |

Poštovani studenti,

prenosimo vam poruku u svezi s mogućnošću dodjele stipendija Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD). Nakon teksta dolje u prilogu možete pronaći informacije i na hrvatskom jeziku.

Slijedi poruka na engleskom jeziku:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you on behalf of the Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD), a scholarship foundation of the German Bishops' Conference.

We would like to kindly inform you about the post-graduate scholarship of our East Europe Programme which is partly financed by Renovabis.

Deadline for submitting scholarship applications at East Europe Programme of KAAD is the June 30th 2014.

The KAAD offers scholarship to talented catholic candidates with low-income which are recommended by a catholic priest. The scholarship should make possible studies within the Master’s programme, PhD studies or scientific research in different academic disciplines at Universities in Germany. During the stay in Germany the KAAD offers pastoral assistance.

Please note, the KAAD does not provide scholarship to priests and members of religious orders,  but only to laity.

The scholarship programme is aimed at strengthening the professional development of future decision makers, who are willing to contribute to the social and economic development of their home countries as well as to support the regional Catholic Church and international scientific networks.

The applicants have to prove the German language skills at least at level B1 and should be able to complete all needed documents and references amongst others reference letters from academic staff of home university or research institution. All candidates are obliged by the scholarship contract to return to home country after study completion.

Please feel free to contact us using German, English or Polish.

Yours sincerely,
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Dr. jur. Roman A. Radwanski
Referatsleiter Osteuropa
(Studien- und Forschungsstipendien MOE-Länder)
Katholischer Akademischer Ausländer-Dienst (KAAD) e.V. 
D-53129 Bonn  Hausdorffstraße 151
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