

Central archdiocesan and university library is highschool and general scientific library in the part of the Catholic Theological Faculty in Đakovo.The library was formed by the merger of several large library: Diocesan Library, the library of the Seminary - Libraries of Theology in Djakovo – Library of Theological Faculty.At each one of this libraries, a brief historical overview has been written.

Diocesan library

The first indirect mention of the library dates back to the 15th century when the bishop asked for calligraphers (caligraphium) first in Pécs, and then from Buda.From XV.century in Đakovo, there were Bishop and Cathedral Chapter which one of the tasks was care for books and documents.Moreover, in these times in Đakovo was a Franciscan monastery, institute where the book are always been written and kept.After Slavonia was liberated from the Turks in the eighteenth century, bishops were returned to Djakovo and it has begun the new formation of the library.
Diocesan Library for the most part was situated in the Bishop's Palace.In 2004, the library collection was moved to the new building of the library.


Fund of today's dioceses was mostly created by grants of individual bishops, canons and professors. Today, the holdings include:
- The library of Bishop Josip Antun Čolić with 700 volumes of valuable books;
- The library of Bishop Josip Juraj Strossmayer with 4,600 volumes of books and brochures, 300 books with a dedication, 1,100 volumes of bounded magazines and newspapers and 640 unbounded and incomplete yearbooks;
- The library of Bishop Stjepan Bäuerlein with 11,000 volumes of books and magazines.
Along with theological literature, the library has a historical issue, the Latin classics, homiletic literature, foreign Church magazines, especially German and French.
Today, Central archdiocesan and university libraries has 9 incunabulas;manuscripts from the 14th century;100 volumes from the 16th century;1,000 volumes from the 17th century;several thousand volumes from the 18th century;the rest is from the 19th and 20th centuries;about 150 titles of professional reviews and journals (over 3,700 bound volumes) in his fund.Total holdings include more than 130,000 volumes of books and magazines.
Books content are: philosophical, biblical sciences, theological, historical (the church and national), liturgical, literature, then lexicons, encyclopedical and more.


Library Seminary - Theology in Đakovo - Catholic Theological Faculty

Diocesan Seminary in Đakovo was founded in November 6. 1806.Simultaneously with the establishment of the Seminary, the Library was established.When we talk about this Library we actually talk about a number of libraries which funds are in 1934 merged into a single library that created fund of Seminary Library - Libraries of Theology in Djakovo - Library of the Theological Faculty.These are: Seminary Library, Library of Proffesors Quorum, Library of Spiritual Youth, and the Library of Marian Congregation of seminarians in Đakovo.

Since the establishment of the Seminary in 1806 and until 1912 the library was located in the former Franciscan monastery in Djakovo, where Bishop Antun Mandić opened Theological Seminary and Theological College.In 1912 the old building was collapsing and the new one was building from 1912 to 1914.This building was a library until the relocation to a new building in the summer of 2003.

Central Diocesan Library (CDL) was established on 15 April 1996 by decree of then-diocesan bishop, Msgr.Ćiril Kos.The foundation stone was blessed by the Bishop.Ćiril Kos, 6th November 1996 year.Construction work on the future library began in June 1997.The construction and equipping of the library lasted with minor interruptions until 2005.Newly built and equipped library in 10 May 2005, was blessed by the diocesan bishop, Msgr.dr. Marin Srakić.Decision of the Diocesan Bishop of 31 December 2005 wast that „ the university“ was added to the name of the Central Diocesan Library.The official name of the library from that date is "Central diocesan and university library" (CDUL), in accordance with the proclamation of the Đakovo-Osijek Archdiocese Library was later renamed the "Central archdiocesan and university library" (CAUL).

The building of todays CAUL is located along St.Bonaventura College who was built in 1857 by the Bishop Josip Juraj Strossmayer for educational needs of the Bosnian Franciscans in the Đakovo.This building was renovated and reconstructed in 1994 after "denationalization", for the purpose of then Theological College - Theology in Djakovo, and since 2005. for the Catholic Theological Faculty in Đakovo, in the part of University Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek.


Josip Juraj Strossmayer

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