Mission and vision

Mission and vision


associate professor Ivica Raguž

The Faculty will educate students to be, in the spirit of Christian faith and ecclesiasticism, morally responsible members of society that make critical analysis and act wisely and proficiently in order to contribute to the common good. Fulfilling the mission of evangelization, which Christ entrusted to the Church, the Faculty takes permanent care to ensure a better and more integrated education and formation of students. In particular, through the cooperation with church and university authorities, it develops excellence and diversity of academic programs, the quality of teaching and teacher training and advancement, encouraging and rewarding the success of students, with special interest in the field of scientific research.


In this regard, in order to fulfil its mission and vision, the Faculty will continue to strive:

  • to promote and foster the science of theological disciplines through deepening of the understanding of the Christian revelation and presenting the truths that are contained therein;
  • to help find answers to questions posed by today’s culture
  • pomoći pronalaziti odgovore na pitanja koja nameće današnja kultura;
  • to provide students with a high level of quality of education;
  • to prepare and educate students for morally responsible and competent acceptance of future obligations and ministries;
  • to promote the ongoing formation of those who perform various duties in the Church;
  • to promote the ongoing formation of those who have found their place in social or private institutions;
  • to establish cooperation with other academic and scientific institutions, particularly withother constituents of the University of Osijek, in line with its mission of evangelization;
  • to contribute to and serve the society in which it is located, promoting the common good;
  • to promote the spirit of ecumenism, especially with the Orthodox churches.



Following its vision and mission, the Faculty will continue, in a particular way, to nurture and promote following values:

  • in the spirit of Christian anthropology promote the dignity of human person;
  • promote the spirit of freedom and responsibility;
  • promote the common good and nurture fellowship in order to put the good of the community before any personal and individual interests;
  • foster the spirit of solidarity and subsidiarity;
  • foster excellence;
  • promote Christian spirituality.


In accountability to religious, cultural, social and historical heritage, the Faculty will constantly move forward to fulfil its core mission: the intellectual and spiritual development of young people, as well as scientific research and the establishment of the truths of the Christian faith. Therefore, it will permanently grow in excellence with regard to the quality of effective teaching, active learning, academic research, and with regard to the responsible commitment to local, university, national and international both social and church community. It will promote and nurture fellowship in all dimensions of faculty life, and at the same time, in light of its fundamental value s, it will foster a spirit of openness and fellowship in, although predominately Catholic, a religiously complex environment.

Contact us

Catholic Faculty of Theology in Đakovo

IBAN account:
Faculty: HR4523900011100474440
Dorm: HR3123900011500027586


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