Quality assurance

Quality assurance

Office for Quality Assurance and Improvement of Higher Education:

Antonija Pranjković, office manager

kvaliteta [et] djkbf.hr



Members of Quality Assurance and Improvement of Higher Education Committee

Assoc. prof. Davor Vuković, president
Assoc. prof. Boris Vulić, member, representative teachers
Full-time prof. Ivica Raguž, member, representative teachers
Igor Jakobfi, Senior assistant, member, representative assistants
Valentina Martinuš, member, students representative
Rev. Mato Gašparović, member, representative external stakeholders
Teuta Rezo, PhD, member, representative external stakeholders


Contact us

Catholic Faculty of Theology in Đakovo

IBAN account:
Faculty: HR4523900011100474440
Dorm: HR3123900011500027586


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