

The objectives and outcomes of mentoring

The aim of the mentoring system of support for students is to provide students information and advice in matters relating to study and studying, the realization of students' rights, and to improve the experience of studying at the Catholic Theological Faculty in Đakovo.Structuring of mentoring support system are provided its outcomes: gradually and spontaneously, better and more direct teaching student;regularly studying and laying exams;referring to the way of study;participation in research;Education in responsibility to yourself, skills, material investment;connections with faculty and actively participate in it's life;make the connection with the parish, the parish priest;discussions on various topics and availability for a personal interview and questions;notice student activity with regard to participation in the liturgical and spiritual faculties deals.


The development of mentoring

The first model of mentoring system at the Catholic University was established in the academic year 2009. / 2010.Mentoring system of support for students is organized by requirement 5. ESG standards (European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) educational resources and support for students, which are an integral part of the assessment criteria in the procedures of external evaluation and the process of re-accreditation of higher education institutions.In its beginnings, the system was designed so that the students of the first year assigned a mentor, and Senior students each year choose between four new mentor appointed at the age. At the academic year 2011 / 2012 the model of the mentoring meetings is changed in a way that there are two groups of mentors: the lower (I and II.) and higher (III., IV., and V.) year of study.With this model, the first year students are assigned by mentor, and in the third year of study, the new mentor is elected by themselves.Since the academic year 2012/2013.students of the first year of study choice of mentor is postponed for November to have the opportunity to meet teachers and could choose his mentor through the first two years of study.

Initially the mentoring meetings were intended as a form of informal meetings of teachers and students in small groups (10-14 students per group) that were not strictly defined theme.Teachers were offered a framework proposals topic, but a form of meetings was arranged by students and mentors.Through several years of follow-up support system for students, based on the minutes of the meetings, there is a need for a new model and the reorganization because of the following problems:

- There is no form of thanks / praise for excellent mentors

- There is no model of sanctions for students who do not come, and for teachers who do not hold meetings

- Students do not want the classroom community, but some form of thematic meetings

- Insufficient framed mentoring program (lack concrete information)


The new model of mentoring

The new model of mentoring was established in December. Due to the pre-defined objectives and outcomes of the mentoring system by a new form of mentoring, themes of the meetings are defined, and mentoring groups are formed by the age of study. During the academic year, in November and May are planned joint meetings of mentors and students as part of a pilgrimage, and in April as a part of the study trips.This Guide of mentoring meetings for students and teachers has a goal to make work group easier for students and teachers, in terms of providing basic guidelines, instructions, rules and informations about important topics of organization studies and studying that will be presented under the new structure of mentoring meetings in October, January and March.

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